
FP Parcel Shipping

Compare discounted shipping rates, print your shipping labels, and track deliveries.

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App IDfp-parcel-shipping
Vendor IDfp-digital-business-solutions-gmbh
Launched30 November 2023
CategoriesShipping labels
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of FP Parcel Shipping

About FP Parcel Shipping

FP Parcel Shipping provides exclusive shipping discounts, making it incredibly affordable to send parcels. It’s quick and easy to connect your Shopify store and start generating shipping labels. Quickly and conveniently compare different shipping carriers and rates, effortlessly print labels for both domestic and international shipments, and keep track of your deliveries with our user-friendly tracking dashboard. FP Parcel Shipping will even let Shopify know when your orders are fulfilled.

Receive orders from your store

Receive orders from your store

Compare shipping services and costs

Compare shipping services and costs

Print or Save shipping labels

Print or Save shipping labels