
Simesy FAQ Page & Help Center

Reduce support with product FAQ and FAQ page. Organize product description into tabs and accordion

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDfrequentlify
Vendor IDsimesy-team
Launched21 April 2022
CategoriesFAQ Store pages - Other
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews41

Benefits of Simesy FAQ Page & Help Center

About Simesy FAQ Page & Help Center

With Simesy FAQ Page & Product FAQ, you can create unlimited FAQs to answer all the frequently asked questions. Enable your customers to help themselves with dedicated FAQ page. Display FAQ on product page or anywhere (homepage, CMS page, collection page…) so your customers can find the information they need instantly. Organize product description into tabs and accordion automatically without editing code. Work with any Shopify theme

Add and display unlimited FAQs anywhere

Add and display unlimited FAQs anywhere

Give instant access to all FAQs with FAQ page

Give instant access to all FAQs with FAQ page

Organize product description into tabs and accordion

Organize product description into tabs and accordion