
OkImages ‑ Bulk Images Import

Bulk Import of product images from an external FTP folder.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDftp-import-images
Vendor IDcooder16
Launched21 September 2022
CategoriesImage editor
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of OkImages ‑ Bulk Images Import

About OkImages ‑ Bulk Images Import

OkImages allows the import of product images from an FTP folder automatically, with a cron schedule process on any installed instances, managing path and rename rules to associate with products catalog and positions. OkImages provides a monitor dashboard to check the import status and errors log. It also replaces previous images when found on the origin source.

products media gallery after import

products media gallery after import

app settings to FTP

app settings to FTP

app settings images rules

app settings images rules