
Galanta: Rewards & Loyalty

Retain more customers for longer with Galanta.

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App IDgalanta
Vendor IDgalanta
Launched29 June 2023
CategoriesLoyalty and rewards
Avg rating5
Total reviews11

Benefits of Galanta: Rewards & Loyalty

Affiliate programs, Custom programs, Memberships, Referrals, Reward programs, Stamp or punch cards, VIP tiers
Coupons, Custom rewards, Discounts, Early access, Exclusive access, Free products, Free shipping, Gift cards, Gifts, Membership perks, Points, Store credit

About Galanta: Rewards & Loyalty

Shopify’s go-to app for customer rewards, loyalty, engagement and discovery.

Galanta is smart for brands and simple for buyers. Engage with your most important customers to make buying over and over easier than ever. Plus discovery features also allow brands access to new customers while retaining old ones.

Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights

Engaging Rewards

Engaging Rewards

Growth Tools

Growth Tools