
GD Product Matrix

Simplify bulk orders! Shop apparel effortlessly with our matrix grid and color-name hex database.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDgd-product-matrix
Vendor IDgardedev-inc1
Launched11 September 2023
CategoriesProduct options Color swatches
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of GD Product Matrix

Ordering multiple items at once will streamline your apparel business.
Customize table colors for a consistent, eye-catching shopping experience.
Connect color names to swatches with our updated Name-to-Hex color database.

About GD Product Matrix

Introducing GD Product Matrix, revolutionizing Shopify shopping for the apparel industry and beyond. Simplify the ordering process with our sleek matrix grid. Effortlessly select multiple items at once, starting with the swatch, followed by size. Customize the table with a range of vibrant colors. Upgrade to silver/gold for access to our extensive name-to-hex swatch database. Streamline, style, and succeed with GD Product Matrix! 🚀👕🎉

Swatch Feature

Swatch Feature

Plain Grid Option

Plain Grid Option

Color Customization

Color Customization