
Biscuits, GDPR & Cookie Banner

Improve the trust in your brand by country-specific Cookie/GDPR Banner.

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App IDgdpr-app-by-awesoon-inc
Vendor IDawesoon-technologies-inc
Launched29 November 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Biscuits, GDPR & Cookie Banner

About Biscuits, GDPR & Cookie Banner

Biscuits: Your Tailored Cookie & GDPR Banner Solution. it automatically displays a customized privacy banner in the visitor’s native language, adapting to their location. You can also track visitor origins and see country-specific acceptance rates. Choose your banner’s wording style - friendly or professional - to align with your brand image. Biscuits has aimed to be the perfect blend of compliance and customization.

multilingual banner

multilingual banner

3 different banner styles

3 different banner styles

admin panel

admin panel