
GEL Proximity

GEL Proximity allows you to ship and return parcels to Pickup Points and Lockers

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App IDgel-proximity-1
Vendor IDgel-proximity
Launched06 May 2024
CategoriesDelivery and pickups - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of GEL Proximity

About GEL Proximity

GEL Proximity helps eCommerce stores manage the complexities of integrating different out of home solutions by proposing Pickup Points and Lockers as delivery addresses at the checkout, optimising the shipping process for the final customer. It is possible to choose which couriers to enable based on prices, services and also capillarity on the territory, and use GEL Proximity pre-negotiated contracts as well as proprietary ones.

Pickup Points and Lockers for your eCommerce

Pickup Points and Lockers for your eCommerce

A shipping platform to manage all the pickup points orders

A shipping platform to manage all the pickup points orders

No fixed costs

No fixed costs