
Currency Converter Geolocation

Recommend and show proper language, currency by country to attract global customers and boost sales

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App IDgelacy
Vendor IDgelacy
Launched18 December 2023
Avg rating2.5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Currency Converter Geolocation

About Currency Converter Geolocation

Gelacy detects your customers’ geo IP location and browser language to recommend language and currency through a non-intrusive popup, visible only during the first visit. Alternatively, Gelacy can automatically redirect customers to the appropriate market. Additionally, Gelacy offers currency conversion and language translation, ensures that your global customers can easily understand product content and pricing in their local languages and currencies, facilitating a smoother checkout process

Recommend the best language and currency for your visitors based

Recommend the best language and currency for your visitors based

Multi language translation and multi currency conversion support

Multi language translation and multi currency conversion support

Change language and currency easily with beautiful selector whic

Change language and currency easily with beautiful selector whic