Genie Product Options, Variant

Create an unlimited number of Product & Variant options to help merchants in boosting their sales.

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App IDgenie-product-options
Vendor IDshine-dezign-infonet
Launched03 February 2023
CategoriesProduct variants Checkboxes Swatches Dropdowns File upload Radio buttons Variants display Dynamic pricing Add-ons Auto-updates
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews24

Benefits of Genie Product Options, Variant

File upload, color swatch, variant picture, dropdown, checkbox, and text input.
Merchants can charge for the options added.
Create an unlimited number of options to assist merchants in increasing sales.
Compatible with Online Store 2.0 Themes.

About Genie Product Options, Variant

With Genie Options, you can easily make customized options for your products. You can make them required or not, and set custom prices on created options. Allow your customers to create their own personalized items using a variety of option choices. Set up the product options with different prices, so that customers can choose the best option for their needs.

Easy and attractive dashboard

Easy and attractive dashboard

Support various option types

Support various option types

Additional price for selected options

Additional price for selected options