
Popcorn: AI For WhatsApp

AI WhatsApp Assistant boosts your store's sales, support, and marketing effortlessly.

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App IDgetanswer
Vendor IDgfredtech
Launched18 August 2023
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Benefits of Popcorn: AI For WhatsApp

About Popcorn: AI For WhatsApp

Popcorn empowers Shopify merchants to harness WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app, for business growth. Ideal for stores seeking to enhance customer interaction, Popcorn’s AI assistant automates sales and support, ensuring personalized customer experiences at scale. It simplifies operations, making it easier to manage inquiries and orders, and provides valuable insights to tailor your strategies. Perfect for any size business aiming for efficiency and increased sales.

AI Shopping Assistant  For E-commerce

AI Shopping Assistant For E-commerce

Simplify order management with AI

Simplify order management with AI

Break Language Barriers  with our AI

Break Language Barriers with our AI