
Giffify ‑ GIFs infused emails

Giffify enables you to add gifs to all your notifications emails.

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App IDgiffify
Vendor IDstudiorao
Launched05 November 2019
CategoriesEmail marketing
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Giffify ‑ GIFs infused emails

About Giffify ‑ GIFs infused emails

What is Giffify? We all know, love and use gifs on a daily basis when communicating with eachother on popular messaging services. So why not use the most engaging way of communicating in your business emails?! Using gifs increases engagement with customers as well as revenue. But how to integrate and automate gifs in your emails? Enter Giffify: Giffify easily allows you to select your favorite gifs for your stores’ shipping notification, order confirmation and all other emails!

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