

Customize Checkout UI, ability for customers to secure the order with skip the line and protection

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App IDguardito
Vendor IDstefan-momcilovic
Launched04 December 2023
CategoriesWarranties and insurance
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

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About Guardito

This app will be, only for Shopify Plus merchants, helping them to customize their Checkout UI experience for the customer by providing them simply before the customer needs to enter card Info, products for skip the line, and shipping protection, so the customer will be sure their products are shipped securely. They can be the first ones to get it. In the app dashboard, there is a button to generate skip the line and shipping protection products. merchant and customers both have advantages

Guardito App Overview Desktop Screenshot 1

Guardito App Overview Desktop Screenshot 1

Guardito App Overview Desktop Screenshot 2

Guardito App Overview Desktop Screenshot 2

Guardito App Overview Desktop Screenshot 3

Guardito App Overview Desktop Screenshot 3