H3 WhatsApp Order Confirmation

Enhance the order verification process! Effortlessly verify orders at the time.

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App IDh3-whatsapp-order-confirmation
Vendor IDh3-technologies
Launched12 July 2023
CategoriesStaff notifications Order creation Order cancellations Order status Customer notifications SMS templates
Avg rating5
Total reviews6

Benefits of H3 WhatsApp Order Confirmation

Verify orders easily on WhatsApp, No emails or complication. Quick & convenient.
Seamless app integration for Shopify, Effortless WhatsApp verification.
Smooth, trusted order verification, Delight customers, build trust.

About H3 WhatsApp Order Confirmation

H3 Whatsapp Order Confirmation ensures a smooth and secure transaction for you and your customers. By incorporating a simple WhatsApp button within your Shopify store, customers can seamlessly navigate to their WhatsApp mobile chat with just one click. Once there, they can easily verify their order by sending a pre-default message, saving time and eliminating potential confusion.

Whatsapp Order Confirmation Setting

Whatsapp Order Confirmation Setting

Whatsapp Order Confirmation Integartion

Whatsapp Order Confirmation Integartion

Whatsapp Order Confirmation via Customer

Whatsapp Order Confirmation via Customer