
Variant Title Magic

Add Variant Options in Product Title to improve shopping experience.

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App IDhoney-variant-title
Vendor IDshopsquare
Launched18 January 2023
CategoriesProduct options Product display - Other
Avg rating3.6
Total reviews3

Benefits of Variant Title Magic

About Variant Title Magic

Variant Title Magic lets you alter your product titles based on the chosen variant, resulting in clearer understanding and minimized confusion for customers. The app automatically updates the product title when a variant is selected and allows you to set a single rule for all product variants in your store, making it user-friendly and straightforward. Implementation is as easy as pressing a button, and you can enjoy the benefits of this product template app right away.

this app product title based on the variant selected.

this app product title based on the variant selected.

a product has a variant it will appear the product title

a product has a variant it will appear the product title

 a product has more variant it will appear with product title

a product has more variant it will appear with product title