GDPR Cookie & Trust Badge Icon

Add a GDPR banner, cookie bar, Payment-Trust badges, Quote to Cart-Checkout, AI generation content

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Benefits of GDPR Cookie & Trust Badge Icon

Show a GDPR banner or cookie bar with a link to your privacy policy
Customize banner settings and text easily with our code-free style editor
Add Trust - Payment badges, Shipping, Refund information to Product page
Add Payment badges, motivational Quote content to Checkout page
Fully compatible with the latest Shopify Checkout Extensibility

About GDPR Cookie & Trust Badge Icon

Huntifys goes beyond a typical upsell app. Leveraging AI-powered ChatGPT, we offer compelling motivational quotes that inspire customers to add more items, speeding up checkout and boosting AOV. We focus on building customer trust with visible payment and trust badges and ensure GDPR Cookie Consent for privacy compliance. Our dedication to reducing hesitation and providing valuable content enhances your shopping experience while safeguarding user data.

Customize Cookie Bar Settings

Customize Cookie Bar Settings

Customize Cookie Bar Settings

Customize Cookie Bar Settings

Payment badges on Checkout page

Payment badges on Checkout page