
InstaBadge ‑ labels & badges

Badges grab's customers attention which leads to higher conversion

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App IDinstabadges
Vendor IDmyteststore
Launched10 February 2017
CategoriesProduct badges
Avg rating3.9
Total reviews84

Benefits of InstaBadge ‑ labels & badges

About InstaBadge ‑ labels & badges

Attention !!! That caused you to blink twice, didn’t it?

  1. Grab your customers’ attention, by focusing it on your best selling, most popular and newest items which leads to increased sales.
  2. Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs guaranteed to suit your exact needs.
  3. Our simple yet powerful rules based system automagically applies badges to your items
  4. No need for any program or design knowledge.
  5. ZERO increase in load time, instant preview and simple one-click to install
Badges as displayed on our demo store

Badges as displayed on our demo store

Dashboard - select your image

Dashboard - select your image

Dashboard - select products to receive badge

Dashboard - select products to receive badge