
InstaPlus ‑ Instagram Feed

Display Instagram feed on your website and let customers shop their favorite items in one click.

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App IDinstaplus-shoppable-instagram
Vendor IDwebcontrive
Launched06 August 2020
CategoriesSocial proof Page enhancements - Other
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews40

Benefits of InstaPlus ‑ Instagram Feed

Showcase Instagram feed on your store's homepage to attract more customers.
Turn your feed into shoppable Instagram feed, drive sales and increase revenue.
Highlight user generated content on your webiste to build social proof.
Link Insta feed with your product page and let customers buy their favorites.
Showcase your Instagram feeds on your website by filtering hashtags you want.

About InstaPlus ‑ Instagram Feed

InstaPlus Instagram Feed - Makes your instafeed shoppable to increase your order and allow customers to shop instantly from their favorite spot. Take advantage of five plus different layouts to display your Instagram feed and attract customers to spend more time on your website and buy more products. Tag Instgram feed on your store products to increase conversion. Display user generated content to build social proof and enhance customer loyalty. Enhance strong relationship with your customers.

Showcase Instagram posts on the homepage & attract customers.

Showcase Instagram posts on the homepage & attract customers.

Let your Insta feed generate sales by adding a shoppable gallery

Let your Insta feed generate sales by adding a shoppable gallery

Engage your customers by enabling shoppable popups.

Engage your customers by enabling shoppable popups.