
Intelligems: A/B Testing

Easy AB Tests that boost profit. Test out themes, content, prices, shipping rates, offers, and more.

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App IDintelligems
Vendor IDintelligems
Launched01 December 2021
CategoriesCompetitive pricing Page enhancements - Other
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews80

Benefits of Intelligems: A/B Testing

About Intelligems: A/B Testing

Maximize your store’s profit through A/B testing with Intelligems. Split test anything on your site in just a few clicks: Content Testing lets you experiment with themes, landing pages, UX and content to boost conversion and reduce CAC. Our Profit Optimization plan helps you find the “sweet spots” in your pricing, discounts, shipping rates & thresholds, to boost profit. Our team of experts has run thousands of split tests, and helped transition many teams from Google Optimize to Intelligems.

Launch Tests in Minutes

Launch Tests in Minutes

Understand Profit Impact

Understand Profit Impact

Custom Split Tests

Custom Split Tests