
InterCityXpress KSA

InterCityXpress Provides last-mile delivery and fulfilment services

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App IDintercityxpress-ksa-1
Vendor IDintercityxpress2
Launched13 September 2023
CategoriesOrder sync
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of InterCityXpress KSA

About InterCityXpress KSA

InterCityXpress provides Last-Mile Delivery and Fulfillment Services, that is available 24/7, with flexibility to undertake projects, tasks or missions requiring lot of care, urgency, criticality and personalisation. This plug-in allows e-commerce merchants the ability to connect seamlessly with our systems and infrastructure, and provides all the necessary tools for shipment, tracking, management, and reporting.

Setup your address information

Setup your address information

Sync Orders Efficiently

Sync Orders Efficiently

Manage Orders on the go

Manage Orders on the go