
Invints Shipping, Bars, Upsell

Engage customers & boost sales and profits with announcement bars, shipping, countdown & upsells.

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App IDinvints-countdown
Vendor IDinvints-apps
Launched04 December 2023
CategoriesCountdown timer Promotions - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Invints Shipping, Bars, Upsell

About Invints Shipping, Bars, Upsell

Invints Shipping, Bars, Upsell empowers you to infuse your sales events with a compelling sense of urgency, compelling your customers to take immediate action to seize invaluable opportunities and supercharge your sales. By including one-time, auto-recurring, daily, and weekly timers, you can tailor your approach to various sales events. Moreover, our app provides targeting capabilities, allowing you to create custom-tailored events for specific countries, customer segments, and page locations.

Multiple types - Action bar, Announcement bar, Sales motivation

Multiple types - Action bar, Announcement bar, Sales motivation

Announcement bar with weekly and daily sales event

Announcement bar with weekly and daily sales event

Countdown types for any sales event

Countdown types for any sales event