
Jedi ‑ Stock Counter

Display "Stock Counter" widget on the products page to give the product a greater sense of urgency.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDjedi-stock-counter
Vendor IDgamenow
Launched13 July 2023
CategoriesStock counter
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews32

Benefits of Jedi ‑ Stock Counter

About Jedi ‑ Stock Counter

By showcasing real-time inventory counts on the product page, you can enhance the visibility of your products in the online store and create a sense of urgency, enticing customers to seize the opportunity and make a purchase without delay. Therefore, utilising our “Stock Counter” app you can elevate your sales potential to new heights while also building credibility and trust with your customers.

Display stock counter on products page

Display stock counter on products page

Easily customise and preview widget text

Easily customise and preview widget text

Display stock count as per product's quantity

Display stock count as per product's quantity