K: Telegram Chat

Stay connected and provide instant support via Telegram from any device.

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App IDk-telegram-chat
Vendor IDkaktus-app
Launched10 February 2025
CategoriesChat Greetings Color and font Chat window Welcome messages Chat buttons Chat assignment Agent avatar
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of K: Telegram Chat

Allow users to select team members or departments for faster responses.
Instantly direct visitors to your Telegram chat for ongoing communication.
Adjust colors, welcome messages and icons to align with your website's branding.
Improve customer satisfaction by providing prompt support and quick resolutions.
Manage conversations from any device, ensuring seamless interaction.

About K: Telegram Chat

Streamline customer communication with Telegram, a trusted messaging platform. Allow website visitors to connect with you instantly, sending inquiries or feedback with ease. Offer a user-friendly chat tool for effortless communication. Drive sales and engagement with immediate support via Telegram. This integration provides a simple and effective way to engage with your audience, offering responsive support anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

Pre-made Templates

Pre-made Templates



Rules and Triggers

Rules and Triggers