
Kaktus ‑ Free Shipping Bar

Use our free shipping bar as an upsell to boost your average order value.

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App IDkaktus-free-shipping-bar
Vendor IDkaktus-app
Launched29 March 2023
CategoriesBanners Countdown timer
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews39

Benefits of Kaktus ‑ Free Shipping Bar

About Kaktus ‑ Free Shipping Bar

Motivate customers to purchase more by promoting free shipping with progressive messages. Display a free shipping progress bar, countdown bar, or sales motivator bar to increase your AOV without requiring any code. Choose from a variety of styles and sizes, add buttons, and use emojis to showcase your unique flair.

increase AOV

increase AOV

bar customization options

bar customization options

different styles

different styles