

More powerful and cost-effective alternative to Triple Whale, Polar Analytics and Northbeam.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDkendall
Vendor IDkendallai
Launched12 April 2022
CategoriesMarketing analytics Sales analytics
Avg rating5
Total reviews13

Benefits of Kendall

About Kendall

Shopify attribution and analytics that won’t break the bank: Built by Google and Facebook alumni and designed by 8-figure Ecomm operators, Kendall specializes in first-party attribution and advanced, yet actually useful, data analytics.

Easily chart and compare Ad Spend vs Sales

Easily chart and compare Ad Spend vs Sales

Instantly generate monthly report for dozens of KPIs

Instantly generate monthly report for dozens of KPIs

The best real-time monitor with Sales, Ad spend and Blended ROAS

The best real-time monitor with Sales, Ad spend and Blended ROAS