
Keryx Testimonials

Automate your UGC engine with every order while rewarding your most loyal customers.

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App IDkeryx-testimonials
Vendor IDlkuich-software-inc
Launched10 April 2023
CategoriesProduct reviews
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Keryx Testimonials

Collect authentic UGC content from your customers
Encourage customers to re-purchase by offering a discount code
Gain valuable feedback through video content unlike written reviews
Save money by not paying for unauthentic UGC creators

About Keryx Testimonials

With Keryx, you can effortlessly gather authentic UGC content and customer feedback after every order.

Customers are emailed a link to our browser based recorder app where they’re prompted with your questions. Their responses are automatically saved in mobile format and are accessible from your Shopify admin app.

Everything from the questions you ask to the email template is customizable.

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