King Checkout Validation

Address validator | Minimize returns, Efficiently verify customer info, cart and address at checkout

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Benefits of King Checkout Validation

Verifies presence of house/apartment number in addresses
Validates completion of customer's VAT number (Tax exemption)
Filters out Post Office (PO) Box addresses
Field Length Validation, Custom Keyword and Regular Expression Validation
Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, etc

About King Checkout Validation

Our app ensures a seamless shopping journey by verifying checkout details - cart, address, and customer info. Key features include VAT, apartment detail validations, non-Latin char detect, field length checks, and smart keyword/regular expression matching. Customize validation rules based on combinations of order amount, weight, discounts, shopping cart items, etc. We are enhancing customer satisfaction and lowering return rates.

Missing House Number / Apartment / VAT number Checker

Missing House Number / Apartment / VAT number Checker

Prevent PO Box address

Prevent PO Box address

Maximum Field Length Checker

Maximum Field Length Checker