
Kiosk ‑ WhatsApp Marketing

Generate incremental revenue with interactive WhatsApp Marketing experiences.

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App IDkiosk-whatsapp-marketing
Vendor IDkiosk8
Launched01 March 2024
CategoriesDirect marketing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Kiosk ‑ WhatsApp Marketing

About Kiosk ‑ WhatsApp Marketing

Kiosk is a European WhatsApp marketing platform. We allow brands to engage with customers on their preferred and most used channel, WhatsApp !

Use kiosk to create and manage your WhatsApp lists, create segments, and engage with them customers thought personalised campaigns and powerful and automations.

For example, you can use Kiosk to recover abandoned carts, send back in stock alerts, newsletters and new collections.

Generate revenue automatically with powerful automations

Generate revenue automatically with powerful automations

Drive engagement and revenue with WhatsApp Campaigns

Drive engagement and revenue with WhatsApp Campaigns

Collect WhatsApp subscribers and manage your audience

Collect WhatsApp subscribers and manage your audience