
Kosmo ‑ Local Delivery

Everything you need to optimize, manage and track local delivery. Own fleet & 3rd party.

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App IDkosmo-delivery
Vendor IDkosmo1
Launched23 March 2023
CategoriesLocal delivery
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Kosmo ‑ Local Delivery

About Kosmo ‑ Local Delivery

Kosmo allows you to optimize routes and auto-assign orders to your own fleet or to 3rd party couriers. Capture proof of delivery and have real-time location tracking.

Automate and streamline your delivery with delivery workflows. You can track all your orders easily and send notifications to your customers. Leverage our branded tracking page for a complete delivery experience. Integrated and easily connected with your Shopify store. Orders sync automatically.

End to end delivery software

End to end delivery software

Sync Shopify orders automatically. Assign own drivers or 3PL

Sync Shopify orders automatically. Assign own drivers or 3PL

Easy to use driver app

Easy to use driver app