

Confidently manage fraud. Easily stop chargebacks. Substantially increase profits.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDkount
Vendor IDkount
Launched15 September 2022
CategoriesFraud Operations - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Kount

About Kount

Fraud can wreak havoc on any store owner — no matter the size of the business. And it’s unfair. Having the right risk management in place can help you avoid headaches, wasted time, and revenue loss. Kount’s simple, easy-to-use fraud prevention solution minimizes risks and helps your business grow with complete confidence. Customize your policies and risk thresholds, stop chargebacks, and improve your bottom-line profitability.

Digital fraud prevention for Shopify stores

Digital fraud prevention for Shopify stores

Digital fraud prevention for Shopify stores

Digital fraud prevention for Shopify stores

Digital fraud prevention for Shopify stores

Digital fraud prevention for Shopify stores