Kwik COD & Checkout

Seamless checkout & COD with reduced RTO, higher share of prepaid orders, and pre-filled addresses.

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Benefits of Kwik COD & Checkout

Hide COD based on 10+ parameters including orders, products, pin codes, & more.
Verify buying intent at checkout via COD OTP verification, Captcha, & COD fees.
Easy checkout with smart login, pre-filled address & customizable checkout flow.
Boost prepaid conversions with Dynamic discounts, bundle offers, and partial COD
Easy plug-and-play setup, with 24/7 live chat support.

About Kwik COD & Checkout

Kwik COD & Checkout is a solution designed to streamline COD management and improve conversions effectively. Verifying customer intent, COD blocking, COD fees, and Partial COD options give you control over cash on delivery orders. Pre-filled addresses reduce cart abandonment, and offering prepaid options with multiple discounts encourages customers to opt for prepaid payments. This combination boosts your prepaid order share while improving both conversion rates and average order value (AOV).

Reduce RTO with smart COD

Reduce RTO with smart COD

Boost conversions with one click checkout

Boost conversions with one click checkout

Increase AOV(average order value) with smart discounts

Increase AOV(average order value) with smart discounts