
Launchpad.ai Price Optimizer

Launchpad.ai's advanced AI Price Optimizer finds optimal prices for maximizing margin and demand.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDlaunchpad-ai-price-optimizer
Vendor IDkodess-consulting
Launched16 November 2023
CategoriesSales analytics
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Launchpad.ai Price Optimizer

About Launchpad.ai Price Optimizer

Skillful promotional pricing is a vital element of any successful e-commerce business. Launchpad.ai’s Price Optimizer uses a surrogate model architecture that finds the optimal price for maximizing both the demand and margin of a set of products. With Launchpad.ai’s Price Optimizer, your team can simulate pricing strategies and outcomes using real sales data from your business.



The Optimizer Wizard will guide you through the process

The Optimizer Wizard will guide you through the process

Select subsets of products for optimization

Select subsets of products for optimization