
Lebesgue: Facebook audit

Optimize Facebook advertising setup, fix mistakes, and score higher for higher marketing ROI.

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App IDlebesgue-facebook-audit
Vendor IDlebesgue1
Launched03 July 2023
CategoriesAdvertising Marketing analytics
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Lebesgue: Facebook audit

About Lebesgue: Facebook audit

Facebook Audit is the ultimate tool for advertisers, providing expert analysis and recommendations to optimize your Facebook ad account. Beginners gain step-by-step guidance, while experienced advertisers benefit from objective evaluations of their agency. Solve issues, improve performance, and achieve better results with Facebook Audit.

Check your mistakes and discover how to fix them.

Check your mistakes and discover how to fix them.

Gain insights into your strengths and areas of excellence.

Gain insights into your strengths and areas of excellence.

Assess your setup and receive an unbiased performance score.

Assess your setup and receive an unbiased performance score.