
Leigh.AI ChatGPT Email Support

Automatically Respond to Customer Support Emails with Leigh.AI powered by ChatGPT-4

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App IDleigh-ai
Vendor IDleigh-ai
Launched06 September 2023
CategoriesSupport ticket management
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Leigh.AI ChatGPT Email Support

About Leigh.AI ChatGPT Email Support

Let Leigh.AI handle your customer service by automatically responding to support emails. For example: if a customer sends you an email asking “where is my order”, Leigh.AI will automatically find the customer’s order, get the tracking status of his shipment, and shoot back a well-written reply. But don’t worry, Leigh.AI knows when to bring you into the loop. For instance, if a customer sends a refund or cancellation request, Leigh.AI will draft a reply and let you review it before it’s send out.

AI draft reply to a customer return request

AI draft reply to a customer return request

Instructions for connecting support email displayed

Instructions for connecting support email displayed

Screenshot of input area for store shipping information

Screenshot of input area for store shipping information