
LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

GPT-powered bot converts traffic & boosts revenue while automating customer support.

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App IDlexichat-ai-sales-booster
Vendor IDtalreja-llc2
Launched02 February 2024
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

About LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

Crafted to accelerate your Sales 24/7 & reduce bounce rates on Auto-Pilot. Lexi - Our GPT-4 enriched AI chatbot conversion rates instantly and automates customer support. Lexi the bot can handle a large amount of customer interactions without any human intervention. Perfect as a Sales & Support Chat, it enriches your customer experiences by answering queries and handles customer interactions effortlessly. And more, reduce abandoned carts and revenue with our AI Chatbot.

LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

LexiChat | AI Sales Booster

LexiChat | AI Sales Booster