
Live Product Options

Unlimited Product variants and options for customized and personalized Products with Live Preview.

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App IDlive-product-options
Vendor IDcloudlift
Launched11 February 2021
CategoriesCustom pricing and quotes Product options
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews253

Benefits of Live Product Options

About Live Product Options

Extend the 100 variant limit with unlimited product variants and product options (text, dropdown, swatches, file upload, date picker). Replace existing product variant options with image swatches. Create custom pricing with add-ons, price formulas, and tiered discounts. Preview options live on the product page, and show image uploads and text inputs on the product image. Most themes are supported and we provide excellent theme support.

Simple setup of unlimited custom product options

Simple setup of unlimited custom product options

Show product options based on specific conditions

Show product options based on specific conditions

Customers can see the product image update live as they change

Customers can see the product image update live as they change