
LiveChat: Live Chat App

LiveChat helps you grow sales, give shopping advice, and answer customer questions in real-time

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App IDlivechat
Vendor IDlivechatinc
Launched30 November 2017
CategoriesChat Customer order tracking
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews45

Benefits of LiveChat: Live Chat App

About LiveChat: Live Chat App

With LiveChat for Shopify, you start selling from day one. Engage shoppers with pre-set messages based on predefined criteria while they browse your store.

Send discount codes depending on the visitor’s behavior on a specific page. Access customer details that show the customer’s cart right in the LiveChat app and view their order history to improve the shopping experience.

Send product recommendations that guide customers straight to the product pages in your store.

A preview of the LiveChat chat widget and the LiveChat app.

A preview of the LiveChat chat widget and the LiveChat app.

Customer cart preview in the sidebar of the LiveChat app.

Customer cart preview in the sidebar of the LiveChat app.

A few available chat invitations you can use to start chats.

A few available chat invitations you can use to start chats.