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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App ID | logo-showcase |
Vendor ID | cmd1 |
Launched | 14 September 2021 |
Categories | Badges and icons Custom Animations Backgrounds Borders Colors Custom text Fonts Styling Size File upload Mobile responsive Device-specific Manual position Auto-position Announcement bar Custom pages Cart page Checkout page Collection pages Footer Header Hero section Homepage Landing pages Product pages Search page Design elements - Other |
Avg rating | 5 |
Total reviews | 511 |
Benefits of BEE Logo showcase banner logos
Display up to 10 logos. Can be press logo, company logos, payment logo.
Showcase Press logos & company logos that are talking about you brand
This logo app is fully customizable & you can setup it within 2 minutes
Merchants use this app to replicate : "Featured in..." or "As seen in ..."
Logo showcase app works on mobile. Display a logo slider or a logo banner.
About BEE Logo showcase banner logos
Use the app “BEE Logo showcase banner logos” for several reasons. Showcase Press logos that are talking about you brand, showcase payment logo you’re using. Display Company logos that have bought something from you or magazines writing on you. Setup the app within 2 minutes. Displaying logo is a great way to reinsure your customers and having a logo list and a logo banner is a good way to do so. Showcasing logos act as a social proof. Logo showcase 100% work on mobile. Featured in, as seen in

Company logos on desktop

App dashboard

Mobile first