
Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral

Boost your customer retention rates and increase sales with our powerful loyalty and rewards system.

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App IDloloyal
Vendor IDsealapps
Launched12 October 2021
CategoriesDiscounts Loyalty and rewards
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews900

Benefits of Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral

Coupons, Discount codes, Free shipping, Limited time offers, Rewards
Campaigns, Custom code, Discount stacking
Memberships, Referrals, Reward programs, VIP tiers
Coupons, Custom rewards, Discounts, Free products, Free shipping, Membership perks, POS rewards, Points

About Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral

Easy to customize your brand loyalty program with Loloyal. All features: Points, Rewards, Referral program, VIP Tiers, Limited-time offers (Flash Sale), etc. work seamlessly together to effectively help build customer loyalty. Shoppers can be motivated to earn points & redeem custom rewards: discounts, coupons, free shipping, giveaways, and store credits, ultimately driving conversion & LTV. Support data import from other apps like Smile.io, Loyaltylion, Rivo, Growave, Yotpo(Swell), Joy, BON.

Loyalty and Rewards

Loyalty and Rewards

Referral 👏🏻 Program

Referral 👏🏻 Program

🎨Advanced  Branding

🎨Advanced Branding