
Loup AI‑driven Video Marketing

Loup's AI-powered video marketing platform personalizes recommendations for maximum conversion.

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App IDloup
Vendor IDloup-ai-powered-video-shopping
Launched30 April 2021
CategoriesContent marketing - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Loup AI‑driven Video Marketing

About Loup AI‑driven Video Marketing

Video is only the starting point. Stream shoppable videos live or on-demand, with AI-powered recommendations automatically built right in. Loup easily integrates your social media accounts and your shopping cart for end-to-end customer engagement and revenue visibility. Plus, with first-party data, you get deeper insights into your customer journey with powerful attribution and analytics that help you dramatically drive revenue and customer experience.

Leverage your best performing social videos across your website

Leverage your best performing social videos across your website

Go live directly from your website and broadcast to social

Go live directly from your website and broadcast to social

Integrated options to promote events and videos across your site

Integrated options to promote events and videos across your site