Product Badges & Labels Pro

Grab customer's attention with product badges, product labels. Multi-badges and automatic badges.

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App IDmagic-badges-myshopkit
Vendor IDmyshopkit
Launched16 November 2021
CategoriesBadges and icons Promotions - Other
Avg rating3.2
Total reviews52

Benefits of Product Badges & Labels Pro

Reorder the priority of badges
Apply Badge to Tag & applyToAll
Upload your own badges

About Product Badges & Labels Pro

Grab customer’s attention with product badges, product labels. Multi-badges and automatic badges. Our Product Badges app can add 5 different types of badges to all products on your online Shopify store: On Sale, New Arrival, Best Seller, Low Stock & Out of stock. Plus, you can add more than a badge to a product.

Fully Customizable

Fully Customizable

Multiple Badges Per Product

Multiple Badges Per Product

Automatic Badge

Automatic Badge