
Marvel Design Collection

Add officially licensed Marvel merchandise and sell it directly from your store.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDmarvel-design-collection
Vendor IDmarvel18
Launched25 August 2022
CategoriesPrint on demand (POD)
Avg rating3.9
Total reviews10

Benefits of Marvel Design Collection

About Marvel Design Collection

Thousands of popular Marvel characters and merchandise is available with a single click right from the app. You can adjust the shipping methods and product-markup to maximize profits. The app will manage all of your orders and automatically bill your Shopify account for all merchandise. You only need to focus on selling, the app does the rest.

Available in USA Only at this time. Canada coming soon.

Get a snapshot of recent orders on the app Dashboard

Get a snapshot of recent orders on the app Dashboard

Add products to your store right from the app

Add products to your store right from the app

Adjust the settings of your merchandise and shipping

Adjust the settings of your merchandise and shipping