Measurement Price Calculator

Allows customers to calculate the price of their products by entering measurements respective units

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App IDmeasurement-price-calculator
Vendor IDextendons
Launched16 September 2019
CategoriesPricing quotes Show and hide Request a quote Counter offers Custom rules Custom display Buttons Quote form Custom links Custom products - Other
Avg rating4.4
Total reviews50

Benefits of Measurement Price Calculator

MPC Functionality will only be reflected on the standard product template
Sell variable-sized products based on length, weight, area, volume, and even box
Set unit price & allow customers to calculate product price based on unit price
Set maximum and minimum limits for each measurement dimension
App carries the user-provided measurements on the cart and order detail page

About Measurement Price Calculator

MPC is a pricing calculator App that allows customers to conveniently calculate the price of their products by entering measurements in respective units. Sell variable-sized products with the custom price calculator. You can sell wallpapers, tiles, fabric, murals, carpets, boxes, or any other product based on unit length, width, area, or vol. Compatible with All Free and premium themes if you have any compatibility issue support team will fix it for you.

Measurement Price Calculator App

Measurement Price Calculator App

Adds Pricing Calculator to Product Pages

Adds Pricing Calculator to Product Pages

Adds Pricing Calculator to Product Pages in Liters

Adds Pricing Calculator to Product Pages in Liters