

Do Email Marketing like Social. AI sends your content for engagement and profit.

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App IDmeowmail
Vendor IDkittys
Launched28 September 2023
CategoriesEmail marketing
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of MeowMail

Custom campaigns, Email campaigns
A/B testing, AI generation, Automations, Email domains, Reporting, Segmentation, Targeting

About MeowMail

MeowMail uses AI to match your content to people who would most want it, when they would want it, and at a frequency they would individually like to hear from you.

Every email template is read and learned so MeowMail can send

  1. Coupons to “couponers.”
  2. New products to people who would be interested in them.
  3. and much more.

Just post your email creatives just like you were posting on social media.

Upload and manage your audience

Upload and manage your audience

Upload and manage your creative templates

Upload and manage your creative templates

Have approval emails go out to you first

Have approval emails go out to you first