Webify Metafields Editor

Master the power of the Metafields. Unobscured view of all your metafields on one screen.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDmetafields-editor
Vendor IDwebifytechnology
Launched14 December 2012
CategoriesMetafields Collections Customers Orders Pages Products Blogs Variants Bulk import and export Data sync Metafields editor Backups
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews139

Benefits of Webify Metafields Editor

Easy to use and no training required. Since 2012.
Support Online Store 2.0 Theme Editor. Customize metafields presentation.
Have a lot of metafields? Not a problem for us. Spreadsheet imports and exports
Back up important data in metafields. Track all product changes.
View product change log include all fields for products and variants.

About Webify Metafields Editor

Metafields for Shopify allow you to add additional custom data in your Shopify store. Metafields can be used in products , variants, collections, customers, orders, page, blogs, and articles. Gain unobscured view of all your metafields. Once Metafields are created, use our support for Shopify OS 2.0 theme editor to show the data in your online stores. Import and export large amount of metafields in spreadsheets. We also back up your Metafields… View product change log.

Metafields for Shopify Show List of Metafields

Metafields for Shopify Show List of Metafields

Metafields for Shopify Links to Edit Metafields

Metafields for Shopify Links to Edit Metafields

Metafields for Shopify Add New Metafields

Metafields for Shopify Add New Metafields