Multi Location Stock info

Display location-wise Inventory availability on product pages, enabling customers to choose location

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App IDmultilocation
Vendor IDtechspawn-solutions-private-limited
Launched06 February 2024
CategoriesProduct display - Other Product variants Conditional logic Variants display Low stock alerts Hide out-of-stock Stock availability In-stock display
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews4

Benefits of Multi Location Stock info

Display Stock availability with location details on product page
Shop from selected location or use geolocation to get nearby location with stock
Sync Locations to Product tags & metafields for filtering or creating collection
Show Shopify location inventory with Liquid using synced JSON metafields
Showcase location-specific products with collections to drive in-store visits

About Multi Location Stock info

Display Stock availability by location on your stores product page and keep your users updated about current and incoming inventory. Customers can pick their preferred store while adding items to their cart. Highlight products by location-based collections and increase traffic to your stores. Simplify order routing & fulfillment for shopify multi-location operations. Help find stock at nearest store using geolocation. Designed for speed, fast storefronts with multi-language translation support.

Location Display and Stock Details List

Location Display and Stock Details List

Customise what to show on location data

Customise what to show on location data

geolocation based store allocation

geolocation based store allocation