
Neat: Store Credit Refunds

Enhance retention and secure revenue with seamless store credit refunds.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDneat-credit
Vendor IDoldfire
Launched28 February 2024
CategoriesDiscounts Returns and exchanges
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Neat: Store Credit Refunds

Cart discounts, Checkout discounts, Custom discounts, Discount codes
Automations, Editor tool, Tracking

About Neat: Store Credit Refunds

Streamline refunds on Shopify by offering store credits, keeping capital in your business and fostering repeat purchases. Simplify the refund process to enhance customer loyalty and encourage more sales, turning refunds into future sales opportunities for a sustainable, profitable business model.

Adding the extension block

Adding the extension block

Adding the extension block for app

Adding the extension block for app

Pinning the app and creating code

Pinning the app and creating code