
Negotio "Name Your Price" App

We help convert more consumers into customers, resulting in increased sales and improved cash flow.

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App IDnegotio
Vendor IDnegotio
Launched05 June 2019
CategoriesCustom pricing and quotes Discounts
Avg rating3.5
Total reviews25

Benefits of Negotio "Name Your Price" App

About Negotio "Name Your Price" App

When consumers have the opportunity to submit offers, they stay on your online store and negotiate with you, rather than searching for a lower price on another merchant’s store. Negotio provides automated, immediate interaction with consumers, which allows merchants more time to focus on fulfilling orders and growing their business.

Add Negotio's Name Your Price button to your products

Add Negotio's Name Your Price button to your products

Enable shoppers to make a price offer to keep them on your store

Enable shoppers to make a price offer to keep them on your store

An offer within your price range is automatically accepted

An offer within your price range is automatically accepted