
Notification PRO

Boost sales with customizable header notifications for new products, sales, blogs and more!

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App IDnotification-app-1
Vendor IDubso
Launched03 January 2023
CategoriesBanners Notifications - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews8

Benefits of Notification PRO

About Notification PRO

Our app helps merchants boost sales by creating customizable notifications in the store header. These notifications can be used to promote new products, announce sales or discounts, highlight new blog posts, or share any other information that the merchant wants to highlight. The notifications are easy to set up and can be tailored to match the look and feel of the store. With our app, merchants can quickly and effectively promote key information to their customers and direct traffic.

Customize the icon for any purpose

Customize the icon for any purpose

Easy to use for engaging your clients

Easy to use for engaging your clients

Shopify app install - 3 steps

Shopify app install - 3 steps