
NTI Delivery Insurance

Insurance and claims management platform covering goods against loss, damage and theft in transit.

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App IDnti-prod
Vendor IDnti2
Launched01 August 2023
CategoriesReturns and exchanges Warranties and insurance
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of NTI Delivery Insurance

About NTI Delivery Insurance

Shipping & Delivery Insurance is powered by NTI, Australia’s leading specialist in all things shipping, delivery and logistics. We offer you and your customer’s peace of mind with protection against theft, damage and loss of items during shipping. Our app makes it simple to integrate per transaction coverage into your e-Commerce store minimising loss to your reputation and profits while effortlessly managing the claims handling process and communication between you and your customer.

protect your shipments

protect your shipments

simplified claims management

simplified claims management

case updates

case updates