

Cross Promotion with other Brands

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App IDohana
Vendor IDff-ohana-limited
Launched16 March 2023
CategoriesAffiliate programs
Avg rating5
Total reviews22

Benefits of Ohana

About Ohana

The cross promotion app for brand alliances between Shopify Stores.

Get new customers with ZERO advertising spend with our cross promotion widgets for Rewards and Re-marketing.

Ohana Rewards helps you seamlessly acquire customers by partnering with our expanding base of brands. Every time a customer makes a purchase from the network of brands, they get rewards that they have to spend at other brands in the network.

Ohana ReMarketing promotes you on the post-purchase pages of partner stores.

Our cross-brand reward platform helps everyone grow

Our cross-brand reward platform helps everyone grow

Extremely easy to setup

Extremely easy to setup

Get instant sales uplift and analytics

Get instant sales uplift and analytics